Wondering if your female friend is introverted or wondering about yourself? Let’s have a look at some female introvert characteristics to help you decide if they (or you) are an introverted female.
Introverts are the people who enjoy their own company and avoid crowds.
small social circle
One of the main characteristics of female introverts is that they have a very small social circle.
Female introverts are not as social as extrovert females, they prefer having a small group of friends. Introverts in general; can be quite picky when making friends. For female introverts, having the right people around them is very important.
They don’t like to be handheld
Female introverts do well when they’re independent and doing things on their own. Introverts don’t like when they’re being bossed around by someone, they prefer getting things done in their own style. I have written an article on how freelancing gives introverts freedom and how to get started with freelancing as an introvert.
They don’t follow the crowd
Another main female introvert characteristic is that they don’t necessarily follow the trends or what’s popular instead, they follow what works best for them. Introverted individuals generally follow the less-traveled path and do not follow the crowd.

Writing over Talking
Many introverted females are super shy, (and even if they’re not shy) they prefer writing over talking. As an introvert myself, I prefer to chat with people over text rather than in real life. Many introverts don’t speak much in public but they can be super talkative in texts.

Deep Conversations
On the subject of chatting and talking, introverted females love to have deep conversations but only with the right people. Introverted female individuals prefer small talk but there’s always a group of people they feel comfortable sharing things.

In general, introverts do not like opening up to everyone. But that doesn’t mean that they don’t share anything with anyone. In fact, they do have one or more friends that they feel comfortable sharing their thoughts with. (Looking to improve you conversation skills? Check out How to have a better conversation as a introvert )
Energized when alone
Introverts need time alone to recharge. It is not necessarily a female introvert characteristic, but rather an introvert characteristic. Female introverts feel drained after being around people and need some time alone to recharge.

As an introvert myself, after a long, I love to sit on my bed with my laptop all alone by myself to recharge. In fact, I would prefer sitting alone doing literally nothing other than staring at a wall than socializing.
Here are some of the famous introverted female characters from Movies and TV Shows that might be familiar with:
Liz Lemon – 30 Rock
Poussey Washington – Orange is the New Black
Detective Rosa Diaz – Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Did I miss any main characteristics that needs to be included or want to share any tips for you fellow introverts? Leave a comment down below or react out to me @introvertwebcom on Twitter.