Having a conversation with someone can be a nightmare for introverts. Starting a conversation is quite challenging for introverts and continuing one is even more challenging. Some introverts (like me) are shy while others might feel awkward starting a conversation with a stranger.

As an introvert myself, I try to avoid having conversations with new people but there are always certain situations where you can not get out of them. But don’t worry, we got you covered, here are some tips to keep in mind to start a conversation with a stranger or continue one for situations you just can not avoid:
Introduce Yourself
If it’s your first time meeting the person, it’s a good idea to just say Hi! and introduce yourself. You could tell them your name, what you do, things you like or dislike, the possibilities are infinite. You may smile and offer a handshake so the other person feels connected.
Give them a compliment
Telling someone something good about them makes it easier to continue a conversation, you could even use it to start a conversation. You could give them a compliment about their dress, style, or work. You could always tell them that they have a beautiful smile (because everyone does ).

Something to keep in mind is that you should always be genuine, it makes the other person feel more comfortable and leads to a better conversation.
Relate to them
It’s a good idea to ask the person about themselves. You may ask them about their work, hobbies, favorite book, video games, music, or anything that you also have some interest in. In most cases, you would both have something in common and you could discuss that to keep the conversation going.

In today’s day and age, there are quite a lot of things that you can relate to the other person. Most people use social media, play video games and if you’re with someone from the same age group, chances are you both listen to the same type of music (at least popular ones).
Ask Their Opinion
It’s easier for introverts to listen to others talk rather than talk themselves. Asking someone’s opinion on something can lead to a good and healthy conversation. Listening to someone always makes the other person feel valued, some people love giving their opinions and sharing their thoughts.

Talk Less, Listen More
As mentioned previously, listening to other people helps a lot when you’re an introvert. It’s a good idea to put away your phone and give the speaker your undivided attention. You may let them know that you’re listening through facial expressions or verbal sounds (”mmhm”, “oh”).
Don’t worry about Perfection
You don’t have to be a perfectionist, just try to have a casual conversation and try not to overthink. Trying to always be perfect can stress you out which can lead to awkward situations, it’s better to not worry about perfect things to say.
Be Original
Try to be original and do not overthink things that you want to say. If something crosses your mind and want to talk about it, just say it. Do not worry about what the other person might think, in most cases, you’d be surprised to learn that the other person loves as weird things as you do. 🙂
Talk about your things you enjoy
You could tell the other person things that you enjoy doing. It could be reading, TV shows, movies, video games, or anything. Chances are they like some of the things that you enjoy. Find common ground and discuss the thing that you both like.

You’d be surprised to discover that other people have the same interest as yours. Who knows, you both might like the same book or video game. Even if you don’t enjoy the same things, you could tell them what and why you enjoy a certain thing and how they can enjoy it too.
Stay Calm
Try to stay calm and don’t feel nervous. It is easier said than done, just keep in mind that you can laugh it all off in the worst-case scenario. As long as you’re genuine, kind, and listening to what the other person has to say, you will leave a good impression.

Open Ended Questions
Practice and phrase your questions well so you don’t fall into Yes and No question answers. Even if you get a yes or no, ask the person to elaborate further. Open-ended questions start with Why, How and sometimes even What depending on the context.
User 1: You like to read books?
User 2: Yes.
User 1: What’s your favorite book?
User 2: 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris.
User 1: Why is it your favorite book?
Just like anything, practice makes perfect. Practice and go with the flow, you’ll get better at it. It might take some time but over time you’d feel more comfortable.

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